
 “When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realize that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives.” – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Resilience is that ineffable quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to rise from the ashes. (A Phoenix comes to mind. The mythical ever powerful creature.)

One way to understand the development of resilience is to visualize a balance scale or seesaw. Protective experiences and coping skills on one side counterbalance significant adversity on the other.

Resilience is not something you’re born with. It develops over time by learning, adapting and observing our surroundings. It involves a deep sense of self-understanding and acceptance of flaws.

“We never know how strong we are untill being strong is the only choice we have….”

It’s human nature to resist change. Resilience is knowing that change is inevitable and developing the trait of resilience helps us not only survive change, but also learn, grow, and thrive in it.

Four basic ingredients to resilience:

  1. Awareness – noticing what is going on around you and inside your head;
  2. Thinking – being able to interpret the events that are going on in a rational way;
  3. Reaching out – how we call upon others to help us meet the challenges that we face, because resilience is also about knowing when to ask for help; and
  4. Fitness – our mental and physical ability to cope with the challenges without becoming ill.

It sounds all fun and games to ears, but the real challenge is when we have to fight our battles and face the twists and turns down the road – all alone.

Yes. You are alone and you’re your only savior.

Write it down somewhere or memorize it till your mind speaks it back to you. Nobody can save you but yourself.

All those motivational blogs, videos, books and people we admire sure help us keep on track. The real truth is – they won’t help you achieve anything until and unless you take the first step. You have to work, strive for the changes you want in life.

“Someone said adversity builds character, but someone else said adversity reveals character. I’m pleasantly surprised with my resilience. I persevere, and not just blindly. I take the best, get rid of the rest, and move on, realizing that you can make a choice to take the good.” – Brooke Shields

I once pulled in straight 3 nights without sleep to complete an assignment. I never knew a lousy sound sleeper like me would even dare to do something like this before. If someone would’ve told me this even 2 years ago, I would’ve called them crazy and had a laugh. The reason I was able to pull myself into doing that task was because I was under pressure and working on a deadline.

I’m telling you this story just to bring out the fact that we normally tend to work and give in our 100% when trying to prove something – to us, colleagues or society or what you want to call it.

Resilience already resides within us. The need is to discover its power and put it to good use.

Realization. Better late than never.

You have it in you. Yes, you do.

Learn to be patient with yourself. Good things take time.

I wish you a productive week ahead! Slay your goals like a boss.


Thank you for reading. Love you for that!

—–Have Hope.Keep Faith—–

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39 thoughts on “Resilience

  1. Change is inevitable, so you might as well embrace it, anticipate it, plan for it. Use that grey matter to consider the most likly “what if” scenarios and your reactions to them. I have a motto that I expect the best but plan for the worst. The reality will most likely fall somewhere in the middle.

    Great post.

    1. That motto is perfect. Nothing can disappoint us when we consider both sides of the coin.
      A great way to keep your expectations at check!
      Thank you! 😊

  2. For me I have found that meditation, journaling, yoga, art/writing, and having a healthy support system has helped me through the many ups and downs life throws my way. Great post! 🙂

    1. Mental health should always be a priority. Many people don’t recognize it yet. What you do to keep your life in balance is a really healthy outreach, I’m inspired.
      Keep smiling 😊 ✨ ❤
      Thank you!

      1. Sadly this is true, my Ed is in psychology and mental health counseling so I defer understand the importance and try to encourage others to love and take care of themselves.❤️✨😊

        Thank you for sharing and encouraging others to value themselves!

    1. You made me smile. Thank you for such a heartfelt comment.
      I’ll surely check your blog. Thanks again! Keep smiling! ❤ ✨ 😊

  3. I love the thought that resilience is already inside all of us!

    My wife has an unbelievable amount of resilience when it comes to her career. She will power through all sorts of obstacles and get the job done and it never ceases to amaze me. I have a noticeable amount less and it is something I am always trying to work on.

    Great post and I look forward to more!

  4. Hi, I think your blog post was so inspirational and relatable! I am actually tackling my own obstacle, I’m trying to reconcile with a friend I’ve known for 12 years and haven’t spoken to in a year. Thank you for your kind words, they have me strength!

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