Blogging Advise: 3 Mindset Shifts For Focus & Attention

Blogging Advise: 3 Mindset Shifts For Focus & Attention

My happiness and fulfilment when it comes to blogging relies mostly on two things: how proud I am of the work I’m creating and sharing, and my perspective. When I start to lose perspective and shift into a mindset that isn’t healthy or productive, I can really struggle to maintain my focus along the way.

Blogging Advice: This Is How You Put Your Writing Out In Public

Blogging Advice: This Is How You Put Your Writing Out In Public

How do you put your writing out in public when there is a pool of strangers to judge? You’d think that after 2 years of public blogging and writing, I’d be completely free of fear when it comes to putting my writing out in public. You would, of course, be wrong. I still get little shivers of nervousness when I hit the “Publish” button on any post, and bigger fears still when I even think about publishing a book. Writing in public is like speaking in public, if you’re doing it right. You’re baring your soul for all to judge, and there are few things as scary as that. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not only doable, it’s worth the effort to overcome that fear.