10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying Online Courses

10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Buying Online Courses

With the rise of online courses available, it's difficult and often times tempting to spend $$$ on your next purchase. Buying online has become so easy especially when it's just a click away. The idea for this blog-post came to me when I realized that due to quarantine, people around the world are stuck at home. And the notifications are just pouring in from online course generators in the name of 'personal growth.' Now, I'm not saying all of them are wrong, but it's better to not be bombarded with such messages; I've unsubscribed from many email lists for the same reason. With the number of online courses available, it’s hard to know which ones are worth buying. Perhaps the best financial move I've ever made in my life is to get that sense of impulse under control. That's not to say that occasional spontaneity is bad - it's not and it can be quite fun - but that routine impulsiveness with one's money leads directly to financial ruin. So, how did I get this sense of impulsiveness when it comes to money under control? For me, the most useful strategy was to mentally adopt a routine where I strongly question every single purchase that I make. If I'm considering spending money on something that isn't very clearly a need (like very basic food staples) or an already-considered routine buy (like the type of hand soap that I buy whenever we need a refill), I question it. Now the above method isn't unhealthy, but it won't apply to everyone. There needs to be a strategic way which can help you whilst making decisions. That's why, I'm here 😉 <3

Tips On Blogging – Here’s How To Blog Smarter

Tips On Blogging – Here’s How To Blog Smarter

You’ve heard the rumors… You’ve heard the whispers in facebook groups…some are outright rants… Desperate, nagging thoughts fill your mind as you entertain those ideas… Is blogging really dying? Should you waste all your time churning out those posts when the results are almost embarrasing? How do you justify the time spend when you have nothing to show for? It all depends on the type of content you’re blogging about. And your content does have the potential to attract the right audience and eventually lead to sales. In this post, I'll discuss 3 steps you can take to make your blog and content work harder for you.

Learning to Stay Optimistic During Hard Times

Learning to Stay Optimistic During Hard Times

It can be difficult finding ways to stay optimistic when life seems to be throwing you curveballs left and right. With the right tools and a positive mindset, you can learn to work for the life you want, be grateful for what you have, and find optimism to carry you through tough times. Think back to a time in your past — five, 10, 15, or even 20 years ago. Maybe you envisioned a happy future making more money, having more fun, a family of your own, or living in a bigger place. Few things turn out perfectly, but chances are your life saw some growth and improvement in at least one area. A 30 or 40-something-year-old adult’s standards are going to be different than those of a teenager. In that sense, most of us have undergone economic, personal, and career upgrades, even if you might be disappointed with the outcome thus far making it hard to stay optimistic.

Let’s Talk About Money…

Let’s Talk About Money…

I admit it: I’ve been working on realigning my money mindset for several months now. Because let’s face it: money is one of the most important elements of modern life! You can say you don’t care about money all you want but there’s no denying that money is the gateway to do many of the things we want to do. If you’re anything like me, money is a difficult subject for you too. I didn’t learn a whole lot about money directly while I was growing up. But from watching my family I just knew it was something that was difficult to obtain and hold onto. I don’t remember anyone talking about ease and flow around money as a child! But I do remember lots of people complaining about not having it, talking about what we’d do with it or even slightly resenting other people for having it. You might not think that stuff from your childhood has anything to do with who you are now! But that’s just plain wrong. Even though our conscious mind is good at separating fact from fiction, our subconscious mind is still clinging onto all those old beliefs as if they were gospel.

3 Things We All Should Stop Apologising For

3 Things We All Should Stop Apologising For

I'm guilty. Guilty of constantly and consistently apologising for things I have no need to apologise for. There is a right time and a place for a meaningful apology but the truth is so many of us find ourselves saying sorry far too much and far too often. It's seemingly engrained into us - especially women. So often I find my most used word of the day is sorry. 'Sorry' to the person that bumped into me, 'sorry' to the person that had to wait a very reasonable time for an email response/or even a meet and greet and 'sorry' to the person who has decided they don't like what I stand for. Hindsight tells me that I really shouldn't apologise for half of the things I apologise for but most importantly I shouldn't apologise for being me. Here are the 3 things we really shouldn't be apologising for and why I've decided to make a conscious effort to limit saying I'm sorry - join me?