When Have You Last Upgraded Your Life?

When Have You Last Upgraded Your Life?

Living through our own experience – absorbing the world and people around us as we participate in activities is the best way to learn and assimilate learnings. What cements this is reflection. The more we reflect on what experience teaches us, the better we learn. When we fail to do that, we do not absorb new learnings, and hence repeat mistakes. On the other hand, those who deliberate on experiences, are the ones who add confidence and intent to every step of their lives, continuously upgrading their existence.

8 Money Truths To Help You Live A Rich Mindful Life

8 Money Truths To Help You Live A Rich Mindful Life

Brief of the 8 Money Truths - Good people do good with more money. So, don't let yourself down if you wish to be rich. Today I'll be sharing 8 money truths. But what are the 8 money truths, anyway? And how can I advice you? Well, most of these money truths are from my personal experience and some I learned via researching and making mistakes. All I can say is this - money comes to you on your ability to believe in it's energetic state. The answer to many questions about personal finances isn’t black or white. There are so many variables, choices, and potential outcomes for most situations that, in many cases, the best answer is simply: it depends. But you won’t hear any uncertain or unsatisfying money advice in this blog-post. I’m going to cover 8 money truths that apply to everyone in every situation. They have the power to transform your financial life—if you let them. And these aren't any hooey, 'no-it-doesn't-apply' gimmicks. These are facts backed up by psychological and scientific evidences in certain cases. Here are the 8 money truths -

The Math And Science Of Kindness

The Math And Science Of Kindness

First, let me explain the question - how can science and math prove kindness exists? Answer: the equations of kindness mean the price equation given by George Price. The price equation is about how any trait changes with successive generations in a population that is under selection pressure. It factors in both the reproductive effect and the transmission effect which together shapes the genetic composition of the successive generation. These equations have applications in many aspects of population genetics and even beyond the scope of biology as well. Now, where does “kindness” come into picture? These equations were part of the proof which tried to explain the emergence of altruism, kindness, and cooperation in human and animal societies. Kindness is not something that demands hard work. It originates from the simple act of doing no harm to others. It’s no surprise wicked acts have a greater impression on us than acts of kindness. We are alerted to fear more than goodness. In these times of disingenuous social media interactions and problems around the globe, unkindness abounds as people hide behind screens. This does not make it appropriate to abuse others. There is a person on the other side of the screen with feelings we must take into account.

15 Tips For Writing A Great Copy

15 Tips For Writing A Great Copy

It's taken me 4 days to write this blog post. Mainly because I've been getting requests from people to "teach them how to write." Let me clear one thing - you already know how to write. You just don't believe it yet. Initially, I was going to draft some advice on copy-writing, but I thought I'll make a series of blog posts wherein I teach you how to take your writing out in public and help you to draft a great copy. Time and again people approach me with the same sentence - "I can't write." It's the resignation declaration of the self-defeated. It's wrong on so many levels. You won't write? You don't want to write? I'm willing to buy these statements. But "can't?" Sorry friend, you can. You've been writing your whole life. You write now. You write emails, greeting cards, shopping lists, meeting notes, etc. In your school years, you wrote every day. When you graduated you wrote a resume. But now, a blank screen transforms you into an anxious, insecure mess. You’ve said it a zillion times, but you’re not going to say it again because it’s a giant, steamy, stinky pile of crap.

2o funny quotes to lift your spirits

2o funny quotes to lift your spirits

Laughter is a wonderful way to release stagnant, heavy, negative energy. I’ve collected funny inspirational quotes just for you. No matter what you have been feeling lately, these fun quirky quotes will make you chuckle and might just inspire your life in a positive way. Our time on Earth is never long enough, so why not enjoy it?! There are times when we lose sight of what’s most important, and these quotes about having fun and enjoying your life will remind you of it. In case you forgot, life is better when you take time to let loose and kick back. That means it’s okay to let your hair down every once in a while—no excuses! Also, I'd like to know, when you think of fun, what comes to mind? Mention in the comments below! I mean sure, inspirational quotes are required in life to give you that push you need. But life's boring without fun, right? As it's rightly said - laughter is the best medicine. But if you're laughing without any reason, you need medicine. You see what I did there? Anyway, that's exactly the reason why funny quotes work in parallel with inspirational quotes. And do read till the end. There's an announcement.