What is the most important thing in life?

What is the most important thing in life?

I met a friend at the airport last month and we got to talking. We had met after some years and while catching up, he mentioned, “You know Aishwarya, I have started focusing more and more on myself as I grow older. Earlier I used to think that it is a selfish thing to do, but now I know that it is only by focusing on my own self that I can focus on the important things of life – my family, my work, and all the things I hold dear!”

Read This Poem When You Feel Stuck With Your Chaotic Life.

Read This Poem When You Feel Stuck With Your Chaotic Life.

The actions you take during your first few months when starting something new have a major impact on your success or failure. Build positive momentum early on and it will propel you through your tenure. Make some early missteps and you could face an uphill battle for the rest of your time. The biggest challenge we face during these periods is staying focused on the right things. You are drinking from the proverbial fire hose while trying to get settled and figure out how to start to have an impact. It’s easy to take on too much or to waste your precious time. So, it helps to have a set of questions to guide you.

20 Enlightening Quotes About Self-Esteem

20 Enlightening Quotes About Self-Esteem

In a nutshell, self-esteem is your opinion of yourself and your abilities. It can be high, low or somewhere in-between. While everyone occasionally has doubts about themselves, low self-esteem can leave you feeling insecure and unmotivated. You might be able to identify a few things that are affecting your opinion of yourself (maybe you’re being bullied, or you might be feeling lonely), or it could be a mystery. Either way, there are heaps of things you can do to improve your self-esteem. I'll keep that for other topic, for now, read along these quotes to find inspiration for your self-esteem.

Self Care Also Means Being Able To Do THIS.

Self Care Also Means Being Able To Do THIS.

Here is a hard thing to admit. Sometimes you are the most toxic person in the room. Sometimes, you have allowed the world to bring you down so much that you spew negativity. Sometimes you are the person being cruel to other people. Sometimes you are the person who ends up hurting the person who has done nothing but love you and look after you and be there for you.

Are you doing your bit to save the earth?

Are you doing your bit to save the earth?

Experts warn repeatedly that we are pushing the ecological boundaries and heading towards destabilization of the planet. This month environmentalists reported the second highest ever carbon dioxide annual increase in the atmosphere in the past six decades. Two big risks are the loss of biodiversity through extinction of plants or animal species, and ecological collapse. Reportedly 83% of the world’s mammal life and half the plants are already things of the past. Is it possible then that we may already have reached, or even crossed, the tipping point?