10 Powerful Reminders For When You Start Comparing Yourself To Other People

10 Powerful Reminders For When You Start Comparing Yourself To Other People

“Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud. Be you!” ~Shannon L. Alder Ironically, the moment you stop comparing, you win. Because as long as you think winning in life is about being better or having more than others, your comparisons hold your happiness hostage. Comparing yourself to others is a race you can never win. Which begs the question: How can you get off the treadmill of “negative comparisons” and redirect your attention from beating up on yourself to bettering your future? Here are a few suggestions.

Why You Should Look Your Fears in the Eye and Smile.

Why You Should Look Your Fears in the Eye and Smile.

I used to be afraid of going to the movie theaters alone. Not that I was nervous for my physical safety, but I feared that sitting in the theater as a party of one, I would get awkward side-glances (you know the ones) from fellow moviegoers or somehow enjoy the experience less. So I avoided it. At all costs. Until, for the umpteenth time, I had missed a movie I’d really wanted to see because I couldn’t find someone to go with me. I was tired of missing out on opportunities.

Blogging Advise: 3 Mindset Shifts For Focus & Attention

Blogging Advise: 3 Mindset Shifts For Focus & Attention

My happiness and fulfilment when it comes to blogging relies mostly on two things: how proud I am of the work I’m creating and sharing, and my perspective. When I start to lose perspective and shift into a mindset that isn’t healthy or productive, I can really struggle to maintain my focus along the way.

What is the most important thing in life?

What is the most important thing in life?

I met a friend at the airport last month and we got to talking. We had met after some years and while catching up, he mentioned, “You know Aishwarya, I have started focusing more and more on myself as I grow older. Earlier I used to think that it is a selfish thing to do, but now I know that it is only by focusing on my own self that I can focus on the important things of life – my family, my work, and all the things I hold dear!”

Be Yourself — Because No One Else Really Cares That Much

Be Yourself — Because No One Else Really Cares That Much

Here's an advise -- BE YOURSELF! Too often, we give too much credit to other people’s opinions. As social animals, we humans have a natural tendency to give other people’s opinions far too much weight. We can become overly concerned by what others believe, think, or say about us and our life choices. It’s so easy to forget that most people place themselves at the center of their mental universes. And are much more likely to be paying attention to their own lives than whatever you are doing! This is a liberating thought because it frees us up from caring so much about what others think. We can start to put our focus back on living an authentic life that reflects our true self. Once you truly appreciate the value of being yourself, you will find that life becomes much simpler and less stressful. You will no longer be trying to please everyone around you and burning up precious energy on those whose opinions really do not count for much anyway.