Let’s Talk About Money…

Let’s Talk About Money…

I admit it: I’ve been working on realigning my money mindset for several months now. Because let’s face it: money is one of the most important elements of modern life! You can say you don’t care about money all you want but there’s no denying that money is the gateway to do many of the things we want to do. If you’re anything like me, money is a difficult subject for you too. I didn’t learn a whole lot about money directly while I was growing up. But from watching my family I just knew it was something that was difficult to obtain and hold onto. I don’t remember anyone talking about ease and flow around money as a child! But I do remember lots of people complaining about not having it, talking about what we’d do with it or even slightly resenting other people for having it. You might not think that stuff from your childhood has anything to do with who you are now! But that’s just plain wrong. Even though our conscious mind is good at separating fact from fiction, our subconscious mind is still clinging onto all those old beliefs as if they were gospel.

Why You Should Look Your Fears in the Eye and Smile.

Why You Should Look Your Fears in the Eye and Smile.

I used to be afraid of going to the movie theaters alone. Not that I was nervous for my physical safety, but I feared that sitting in the theater as a party of one, I would get awkward side-glances (you know the ones) from fellow moviegoers or somehow enjoy the experience less. So I avoided it. At all costs. Until, for the umpteenth time, I had missed a movie I’d really wanted to see because I couldn’t find someone to go with me. I was tired of missing out on opportunities.

Blogging Advise: 3 Mindset Shifts For Focus & Attention

Blogging Advise: 3 Mindset Shifts For Focus & Attention

My happiness and fulfilment when it comes to blogging relies mostly on two things: how proud I am of the work I’m creating and sharing, and my perspective. When I start to lose perspective and shift into a mindset that isn’t healthy or productive, I can really struggle to maintain my focus along the way.

Highly Intuitive People Are Often Quite Sensitive, Here’s How To Love Your Sensitive Self.

Highly Intuitive People Are Often Quite Sensitive, Here’s How To Love Your Sensitive Self.

How many times did you hear that growing up? If you’re like most intuitive people, you probably heard it a lot. And, being sensitive is a power! When people tell us we’re too sensitive, they usually mean, “Stop being so emotional.” Or worse, “Your behavior is inappropriate.” In their desire for us to fit in and succeed, well-meaning teachers and caregivers convey a common but destructive message: It’s more important for you to be sensitive to other people than it is for you to be sensitive to yourself.

20 Enlightening Quotes About Self-Esteem

20 Enlightening Quotes About Self-Esteem

In a nutshell, self-esteem is your opinion of yourself and your abilities. It can be high, low or somewhere in-between. While everyone occasionally has doubts about themselves, low self-esteem can leave you feeling insecure and unmotivated. You might be able to identify a few things that are affecting your opinion of yourself (maybe you’re being bullied, or you might be feeling lonely), or it could be a mystery. Either way, there are heaps of things you can do to improve your self-esteem. I'll keep that for other topic, for now, read along these quotes to find inspiration for your self-esteem.