How To Consistently Replace Bad Habits With Good Habits

How To Consistently Replace Bad Habits With Good Habits

How many times have you tried to break a bad habit? Several? Every January 1st? Every darn day? I'm with you. I’ve tried many different ways to break my bad habits. But none of the conventional tips and tricks brought me lasting success. We try the weirdest things to get rid of our bad habits. And we blindly believe every single person who gives us advice on the topic. Questions to ask yourself: When did I start this habit? Was there a significant life event that may have contributed to starting? What emotion(s) am I feeling when I engage in this behavior? What do I feel before, during, and after the behavior? When do I engage in the behavior? Are there any common triggers for this behavior? Are there times when I engage in this behavior more? At what times do I engage in this behavior less? Bad habits jeopardize your health — both mentally and physically. And they waste your time and energy. So, how can you delete your bad behaviors and stick to good ones instead? I certainly don't have all of the answers, but keep reading and I'll share what I've learned about how to break a bad habit.

3 Things We All Should Stop Apologising For

3 Things We All Should Stop Apologising For

I'm guilty. Guilty of constantly and consistently apologising for things I have no need to apologise for. There is a right time and a place for a meaningful apology but the truth is so many of us find ourselves saying sorry far too much and far too often. It's seemingly engrained into us - especially women. So often I find my most used word of the day is sorry. 'Sorry' to the person that bumped into me, 'sorry' to the person that had to wait a very reasonable time for an email response/or even a meet and greet and 'sorry' to the person who has decided they don't like what I stand for. Hindsight tells me that I really shouldn't apologise for half of the things I apologise for but most importantly I shouldn't apologise for being me. Here are the 3 things we really shouldn't be apologising for and why I've decided to make a conscious effort to limit saying I'm sorry - join me?

Blogging Advise: 3 Mindset Shifts For Focus & Attention

Blogging Advise: 3 Mindset Shifts For Focus & Attention

My happiness and fulfilment when it comes to blogging relies mostly on two things: how proud I am of the work I’m creating and sharing, and my perspective. When I start to lose perspective and shift into a mindset that isn’t healthy or productive, I can really struggle to maintain my focus along the way.

Self Care Also Means Being Able To Do THIS.

Self Care Also Means Being Able To Do THIS.

Here is a hard thing to admit. Sometimes you are the most toxic person in the room. Sometimes, you have allowed the world to bring you down so much that you spew negativity. Sometimes you are the person being cruel to other people. Sometimes you are the person who ends up hurting the person who has done nothing but love you and look after you and be there for you.

Part 3 — Let’s Talk About Karma.

Part 3 — Let’s Talk About Karma.

What goes around, comes around. We all believe in karmic laws, just name and think to suit our direction. You may not be aware of it, but your thoughts and actions are so powerful that they carry energy. What you think and do echoes through time and throughout eternity. And, because our lives are interlinked, what you do and the intentions of your actions, good or bad, will eventually come back to you in this lifetime. In other words, what you do now will indirectly shape your future. This is how karma affects your life.