Power Of Visualization

Power Of Visualization

After studying and implying it in my life, I'm here to share this with you. It takes courage to stand up for yourself. Never apologize for elevating your thoughts, shifting your mindset from negative people and negative situations and outgrow your personality. This is a deep and very informative write up that I've taken weeks to articulate. I've studied the practices mentioned, applied them in my life and observed the shift happening. I'm here to share this with you only after seeing positive changes in the last six months. Read this only if you have a quiet time and are willing to make a shift in your life.

25 Quotes From Literary Geniuses

25 Quotes From Literary Geniuses

When we aspire to write or look for inspiration from a literary genius, we often have many famous names in mind. Here are 25 Literary Geniuses Who Will Empower You To Live The Fullest Life Possible. These are more of an excerpt from their writings rather than just quotes. But it has etched it's way down in history and we all remember them fondly. These are from my personal collection from my own journal. Pick your favorite.

How Do You Deal With Your Disappointment?

How Do You Deal With Your Disappointment?

Disappointment is inevitable; it is how you deal with it that sets the blueprint for the rest of your life!

Everyone has at least one sour-faced relative, friend or neighbor with an embittered soul who never has a good thing to say about anyone or anything! Such people move around with curdled expressions and malevolent eyes, *nary a smile on their lips… Do you think life has dealt them a more unfair deal than to others? What embittered them so much that their view of the world and fellow beings became so jaundiced?

Tips On Blogging: How To Blog Even When You Have A Busy Schedule

Tips On Blogging: How To Blog Even When You Have A Busy Schedule

Finding time to blog is something that all bloggers struggle with. Right?

Whether you are just starting out and blogging as a hobby, blogging as a part-time job while juggling work, home, and a social life or even blogging as a full time business amidst other demands such as up-keeping of social media accounts, responding to comments and emails etc. – finding time to write is a consistent challenge.

Creating awesome content that is informative and worth sharing requires significant time and effort to research and write.

Building a successful blogger requires more than just creativity; it takes grit as well as a laser-sharp focus.

Frequently, many bloggers making their debut think that blogging is easy and fail to realize how much hard work and dedication it takes to run a successful blog. (Does this resonate with you?)

Due to this, their motivation takes a dip, and they find themselves blogging sporadically or maybe even not at all.

As a blogger, it’s essential that you prioritize your time and publish content consistently.

If you want to create a dent in this online world, this article will delve into tips that can help you create and manage your time efficiently as a blogger.