With Love And Uncertainty

It’s my birthday in 3 days and I don’t know why, but, I always feel a little anxious every year on this day about my future plans. So, I decided to write this short, open letter. I hope this helps you too.

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Hello beautiful,

Have you ever felt yourself really freaking out about the future?

I remind myself often that new beginnings are the space in which the magic lives. When we don’t know exactly how things will unfold when there’s nothing but a clean slate and a fresh start and a world of possibility ahead.

And I’m always nostalgic for these times once they pass. But in the thick of it, I find myself leaning into anxiety.

I long for the unknown, and I think that’s because there’s a passion for risk and uncertainty in my DNA (I did choose the path of entrepreneurship, after all). It’s exciting. But there’s also an inherent need to “make it happen” and a belief that I can and will have what I want if I get it right.

The anxiety begins to build when I believe I may get it wrong.

But at the core, I know this is untrue. I know something bigger is at play. I know the universe is connecting dots and making arrangements in my best interest, even if I don’t agree with the way it looks in my current reality.

I know this is true for all of us.

If you’re attempting to strike the delicate balance between hustle and flow, just know that you simply cannot screw it up. No matter how many personal development books we read, no matter how many instructions we inhale, we simply cannot screw it up. There is no wrong way to be you, and each step along your path is perfectly orchestrated for YOUR story.

And someday, when it all works out in your favor (because it always does), know that you’ll look back at these uncertain times and call them magic.

Some “Morning Words” to help you through those tough days…
” Today I choose to show up as the best “Me” possible.
The empowered Me.
The confident Me.
The Me that handles
both anything and everything.
The Me that faces the world
with eyes of possibility,
creativity, and solution.
The Me with a heart full of hope.
The Me that expresses herself proudly.
The Me that meets others with kindness and love.
The Me that knows her strength is her best asset,
because her strength paves the way for all her choices.
The Me that knows it will be okay.
Because it always has been.”
I hope this helps,
With love and uncertainty,

Aishwarya <3

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Happy Blogging! ♥♥♥


Thank you for reading. Love you for that!

—–Have Hope. Keep Faith—–

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69 thoughts on “With Love And Uncertainty

  1. I feel the same way within a few days to a week before my birthday year. I think it’s from wanting to know that you’re moving forward, making a difference, and becoming the best version of you. At least, that’s more or less why I get anxious just before my birthday each year. It seems to be a time of inward reflection.

    Happy birthday! 🙂 ❤️ I hope your special day is amazing and the year ahead brings much happiness!

    1. Focusing on becoming the best version of you – I think that’s it. Thanks for sharing your words.
      Also, thank you for your wishes! 💕💕

  2. Wishing you the best for your birthday and the beauty of days filled with love an uncertainty. Thanks for your inspiring message. I want to be the best me I can be. 🙂

  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!… should circumstances not allow me to be here for your birthday, may I say in advance Happy Birthday and may the day (and every day), and all your presents, be filled with love and happiness!!… 🙂

    1. I hope it helps you too. Whenever I feel down I read them and remind myself of how far I’ve come instead of all the doubts and fears.
      Thank you for your wishes 💖 💫

      1. It does! And reading stuff like this really helps me in the morning so I start the day on a positive note💜

  4. Happy Birthday! Keep smiling and moving forward. Your sketches are so beautiful and your words so inspiring. What a wonderful and gifted person you are! Feel blessed to read this. Thanks for coming by my blog today. Greatly appreciate it. 🙂

    1. Happy Birthday young lady. How old now? My friend is getting married (she lives in India) in February. My wife and I hope to attend her wedding. Indian weddings seem to be a huge event! Are you still single? What is your experience with Indian weddings?

      1. Yes I’m single. (sigh..)
        And yes, if given a chance.. Try to attend the ceremony. Indian weddings surely are a grand affair, but it depends upon many rituals if/not the people follow. But some traditions are mandatory are Indians celebrate it with great affection and joy. Being an Indian myself, I can promise a day of fun and food on the wedding events. (if you like bright colors, spicy food, music and dancing)

  5. Hope you had a good birthday, and this year will be a great one for. I take my birthday, as my new year, giving praise that I have one more year to create great things. So is a very uplifting time. I thank to many look at birthdays as getting older, I celebrate this, and see if i can have as good a year as the last. Best wishes and blessings, Charles.

    1. That a great way to look forward on your life journey and also, look back on our experiences. I’ll try doing that. Thank you for sharing your words and also thanks for your wishes. 😊✨❤

      1. Hi Ayshwarya, sorry it seems that my reply seems to have gone missing! It is always a great pleasure to share words with others, as words are so special, as long as one is careful and thoughtful about how one uses them. Some choose onlyu to use them in hurtful and spiteful ways, but I think the world needs us all to use them in a loving and peaceful way; maybe even to bring a smile to people in our troubled world. Best wishes and blessings, Charles.

  6. Well written inspirational blog post. I disagree that everything always turns out okay. I haven’t found that to be true.Human effort, energy, and positive thinking eventually run out or fail because we are not God. Only our Creator God can make everything turn out right. Even though our plans fail, His never do. The Good News is that we can connect with Him through His son, the Lord Jesus Christ. When we accept His invitation to life in Him, we can be sure we’re on the best path into our future.

  7. “I remind myself often that new beginnings are the space in which the magic lives” This is so powerful and deep for me, It is actually eye opening and just renewed my courage in taking up a new assignment in my life. Thank you for sharing this! Happiest birthday to you and cheers to new beginnings in your new year!!

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