Career Advice: Re-frame What Networking Means

Career Advice: Re-frame What Networking Means

Networking: the necessary career evil. It conjures up visions of a crowded room of professionals adorned with name tags and holding glasses of wine. In huddles people exchange business cards and share what they do. This is the default idea of networking, but it is so much more than this. By finding and establishing meaningful, lasting, and mutually beneficial connections, it starts and advances careers. It is all about the follow-up and follow-through: the email, the coffee date, the face-to-face time. We set roadblocks for ourselves when we think about networking as a one-off situation that does not go beneath the surface. In reality, networking is like any good relationship — it requires nurturing and grows over time. Think of it as meeting a new friend or date. What if we re-frame what networking means and separate it from the vision of a forced, formal scenario? Consider the following five ways to think about the true meaning of networking.

Power Of Visualization

Power Of Visualization

After studying and implying it in my life, I'm here to share this with you. It takes courage to stand up for yourself. Never apologize for elevating your thoughts, shifting your mindset from negative people and negative situations and outgrow your personality. This is a deep and very informative write up that I've taken weeks to articulate. I've studied the practices mentioned, applied them in my life and observed the shift happening. I'm here to share this with you only after seeing positive changes in the last six months. Read this only if you have a quiet time and are willing to make a shift in your life.

A Self-Love Affirmation

A Self-Love Affirmation

But, lets start with what is self-love? Many of us don’t know the answer to this question. The truth is, many of us never truly developed it, or it is not very strong. This can lead to destructive, harmful, and unhealthy ways we treat ourselves, including how we allow others to mistreat us. It wasn’t until I wrote a self-love affirmation that I started on a journey that helped me recover and, heal my depression, and build a life centered on well-being and happiness. Anyone can write a self-love affirmation. Even if you think your self-love is good, it’s important to make sure to continue to build your self-love and keep it strong. Having strong self-love is the foundation for which the rest of your life and your happiness stands.

How Do You Deal With Your Disappointment?

How Do You Deal With Your Disappointment?

Disappointment is inevitable; it is how you deal with it that sets the blueprint for the rest of your life!

Everyone has at least one sour-faced relative, friend or neighbor with an embittered soul who never has a good thing to say about anyone or anything! Such people move around with curdled expressions and malevolent eyes, *nary a smile on their lips… Do you think life has dealt them a more unfair deal than to others? What embittered them so much that their view of the world and fellow beings became so jaundiced?